Atlas Homes


Companies who buy houses

Where To Start

We help property owners just like you, in all kinds of situations. From divorce, foreclosure, death of a family member, burdensome rental property, and all kinds of other situations. We buy houses in Tulsa and surrounding areas. Sometimes, those who own property simply have lives that are too busy to take the time to do all the things that typically need to be done to prepare a house to sell on the market. If that describes you, call us at 918-347-1414 to schedule an Options Meeting.


The People Who Make It Work


I eat real estate for breakfast! Okay not literally, but I didn’t know how better to describe my connection, love and passion to this industry. I began my career with a focus on just one aspect of real estate we all love and appreciate here in Tulsa, the swimming pool. Growing up, my dad had a pool business so naturally, when I was old enough, I began to do jobs with him. I loved it but soon discovered I’d always dream of playing inside the pool rather than being outside cleaning it. When I became old enough to consider long-term career opportunities I knew real estate would be a part of my future. I began by appraising homes for banks, which eventually led to helping them sell their properties as a Real Estate Broker. Now with over 15 years in the Real Estate Industry I choose to focus my efforts on purchasing homes directly from homeowners with a desire to help as many homeowners and families as I can. I don’t count my success stories based on profits or numbers, but on my sincere desire and ability to help people and create a win-win scenario for somebody’s housing needs. I’m married to an amazing women and we have four kids with one on the way, and I’ll be the first to admit we do spend a lot more time inside the swimming pool playing, rather than outside the pool cleaning it, so dreams really do come true.


119 Degrees. Severe sunburn. Heat stroke. Two out of four seasons; hot and extremely hot! These are all things only an Tulsa Native understands. My story starts a Sunday evening of September 1st at the Good Samaritan Medical Center in Tulsa, Tulsa. I officially became a real estate investor 23 years after that Sunday evening when I did my very first real estate deal. The rush and excitement filled me with passion and gave me confidence that I had chosen the right career path. I also got to help a great person out of a sticky situation in the process and help her stay in the house by purchasing it and renting it back to her. The thing I love most about what I do is that I get to solve somebody’s problem and be creative in the process. Now that I am purchasing lots of homes every single month, I get to help a lot of people and have fun doing it! I can’t imagine doing anything else more fun and fulfilling as my career. My other great passion besides real estate is my family. I have a beautiful wife and three adorable kids who make me laugh everyday. Tulsa is such a great place to raise a family and I’m grateful to call it home!

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